Monday, October 26, 2015

Weekly Draw - *The Star*

This week we have, The Star. I’ve included both the Rider Waite, and Thoth versions because I love them both!


When I see this card, I always think of my sister. She’s an Aquarius, and that’s the sign that rules this card. My sister has always had lots of friends, very friendly, and likeable. I guess you could say she’s a “star”. She’ll deny it. But it’s true.

The woman in this card is nude, which to me represents vulnerability, but also being open. She’s not ashamed of her nudity; she’s just doin’ her thang! She’s connected with the world around her, in both a practical, and slightly magical way. One foot is on land, the other on top of the water. That’s a bit peculiar isn’t it? Water is our emotions, our subconscious, and in this case- it’s supporting her. She’s also pouring water into this magical pond which tells me, She nurtures her emotional side. There’s a balance of give and take.

The Stars around her signify love, hope, and peace. I get really into the symbols here so bear with me!.....
We have 7, white stars. (truth, peace, the 7 chakras.)
One yellow star (confidence, intellect, light, happiness)
For me this is a very healing card, but more so to do with the collective unconscious. Or, world peace. Aquarius is revolutionary, innovative, and future-oriented. They bring new ideas to the table. They are the ones that question societal structures, and rules.

This card brings great inspiration, hope, and regeneration. It’s a wonderful energy to embody, and can simply mean, “shine like the wonderful star you are!”

Affirmation: “I open my heart, and have faith and trust in the future. I release all fears and doubts!”

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Affirmation Time!

my affirmation for the day. I love this one! What will your affirmation be?...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Daily Draw! (Queen of Pentacles)

Today’s Daily Draw is the Queen of Pentacles

I LOVE this card!! My personal card happens to be the Queen of Cups, but I also feel a strong connection to the queen of pents!


She just seems like the most loving, down to earth gal! Yes, she is in charge and has a kingdom to rule, but she does so in a very generous way. However generous she may be though, she is not a doormat! She has no time for drama either!
She’s very realistic and practical, but conveys that energy with a hint of compassion and feminism.

You could say, that everything she touches turns to gold, or rather, turns into lush vegetation. A gorgeous green landscape surrounds her. She reminds me of mother nature. She is one with her environment. I see the flowers above her as roses. They’re beautiful, and can represent love, and passion, but roses also have thorns. So, however lovely and compassionate the queen may be, She will prick you if necessary. She has zero tolerance for BS!

Affirmation: I take time to nurture myself. Self care is important to me!

PS.- This is my last "Daily Draw" but I will be doing a Weekly Draw!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The New Generation

When you hear someone say, "I'm a tarot reader", what do you automatically think of?
A room filled with tapresteries, candles, maybe a tent, a woman in a long skirt wearing bangles and lots of rings, and dark eye liner.
You're intrigued, but fearful of what you may hear.
"oh dear, you're doomed! Death is near!"
"Yes, you will find your soul mate this week!"
"You have a curse on you, but I can remove it for an extra fee!"

(*long sigh*)

Let me tell you something, there's a new generation of tarot readers, and they are NOTHING like the above mentioned.
I've been thinking a lot about tarot, my business as a reader, what other people think about tarot, and how I want to use tarot.

I don't claim to be a psychic fortune teller. I consider myself to be quite intuitive, an empath, and someone that genuinely likes to help people!
I always thought life coaching and tarot reading were two very separate entities, but they are almost one and the same. If your reading for yourself, aren't the cards your own personal life coach? (That's how I see it anyway).
I believe a lot of younger tarot readers are looking at it as a tool (a life coaching tool) to look at what's going on in your life, and finding different strategies to live a more positive life.

Tarot is a tool for confident decision-making, clear communication and timely, decisive action. With each Tarot reading, we can explore the pros + cons of different choices that you might make — creating the best possible plan for the future you want.
Ultimately, it’s all about clarity — shining a light through the mental fog so that you can make excellent choices for your relationships, your family, your finances, your business and your quality of life.”
I hope as a reader, my clients feel empowered, & positive when they leave one of my readings! If you feel less intimidated by Tarot now, I hope you’ll consider having a reading with me!


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tarot Night!

What better way to start the Halloween festivities than with a fun Tarot reading! I hope you can join me!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Daily Draw!

This is the second time this week The Hanged Man has popped up. I think he’s trying to tell me something…

So let’s dive in
The name of this card can be off-putting for some people. But the message he holds can be very powerful.
Yes, he’s hanging upside down (not very comfortable), and basically can’t go anywhere.
He’s stuck.
We look at our world right side up, or from just one perspective usually. He’s suddenly forced to look at the world from a completely new point of view. Being tied up and forced into this new position, he might as well surrender, and try to learn something while he’s there.
It’s a time to wait, re-evaluate, and create a completely new path. The light around his head symbolizes divine inspiration, and power.
Sacrificing our old lives, breathes life into a new way of living-  Opening up channels that might have been blocked before.

For me personally, the fact that I keep seeing this card, it’s telling me i need to forget about old ways of doing things- get a fresh perspective, and surrender to new ideas. By trying something completely new and different, perhaps i will be inspired, and new opportunities will come my way!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Daily Draw!

My first blog post was about my journey in quitting social media, and as a result, I’ve been honing my tarot reading skills with my new found freedom!

Now that I have the inspiration to write, I’m going to start a “Daily Draw”. I’ll pick one card from my tarot deck and write a little post about it.

I randomly drew one card, and today we have...


9 of Wands

My first reaction is, “oh, great!” (That was sarcasm by the way!)

I feel like the man pictured on this card is actually saying just that! He looks tired, and worn out. He’s got some battle scars, and needs one of the wands to support himself.
He doesn’t look very impressed.
However, he looks like a fighter. Like if he had to, he’d throw one last punch! He’s also still standing. Even though he’s leaning on one of the wands, he could technically be sitting or lying down instead, but he’s not. He still stands his ground. He ultimately represents strength amidst struggle. (The will to go on).
Just when that last straw has been drawn, the last hurdle is in sight, One more stone has been thrown, there is always one last drop of strength to pull ourselves up and fight.
This card tells us, that whatever challenge your facing- if it feels like you can’t take anymore- dig deep within yourself, and find that inner fighter. Our greatest strengths always come out at the most difficult times.
You have the strength. You can do it!