Weekly Draw- 6 of Pentacles
To sum up this card in 3 words, it represents: giving, receiving, and balance.
A wealthy man hands out coins to the less fortunate, while holding scales in the other hand.
If you have the resources, or “know-how” to share with others, then do it! Know someone that could help you out? Be open to receive, and be thankful for that help.
It’s important to find balance when it comes to money. This week may be a good time to reassess that budget (or make one if you haven't already!). Learn where you can be generous with your finances, and where money’s tight.
If you find yourself well balanced already (when it comes to money and your resources), look into different ways you can help someone out. Charity is a good place to start, but perhaps a family member is struggling, or someone at the coffee shop is $2.00 short- throw a little “pay-it-forward” attitude to someone in need!
When it comes to relationships- who is the giver, and who is the receiver? Is there balance in that department? One person can’t go to work, clean the house, AND cook the meals, while the other lays on the couch all day. Look at how much both of you are doing and if it’s not 50/50, create a chore chart, or schedule when chores need to get done and who is going to complete it.
Especially if you have kids- get them, AND your partner involved. Share the workload, get organized, and when the work is done, show each other some gratitude.
As a side note: With fiery Mars in Libra (until January 3rd 2016) try to avoid fighting about money/budgeting with your partner, or lashing out at a family member for not doing chores. Libra is the sign of balance. SO, especially this week, keep balance in mind when speaking!
Affirmation for the week: “Financial abundance comes to me easily, lovingly, and generously, as I easily, lovingly, and generously offer my unique gifts!”
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