Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remembrance Day - New Moon in Scorpio

Today is Remembrance Day.

Today I honor my Grandfather, and all those alongside him that fought in world war 2. He survived the war, but past away when I was very young. I always feel especially close to him around this time.
He was a fantastic man!

Interestingly, today is also a new moon in Scorpio, which is a VERY powerful time! New moons are a time to rest, and reflect- to go inward. Scorpio is about transformation, death, rebirth, and our subconscious. So basically, this is a time of inner transformation, and a very powerful (maybe even dark) change! Like a snake shedding it's skin, or a phoenix rising out of the ashes. Soldiers (and innocent people too) died for change. Now we must change too. We all have an inner strength- our intuition! This is a time of following that!

Today we remember the past. World war one, and two, and also all the "great" wars of our past. Not only that, but the continuing wars that are happening right now. If the world is to change into a better place, we must start with ourselves. By transforming yourself, unconsciously you help transform those around you. It's like a ripple effect. It's f***ing hard to acknowledge our dark sides, and admit we even have dark sides, but we all do. We must do the inner work, before we do the outer work.

I honor those that fought in the war, and risked their lives. I honor them, and today I choose peace.

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