Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Commit & Let Go- My 2016

Absolute amazing-craziness last week!

I won a 15 minute reading with the fantastic Theresa Reed (The Tarot Lady) in a contest she held before Christmas. Theresa is a personal inspiration to me as a tarot reader and entrepreneur, so I was over the moon when I heard I won a reading from her! She is fantastic! It's nice to get a reading from someone else for a change, rather than reading for myself. I do sometimes, but letting someone else read my cards can just be refreshing!

Anyway, after reading my horoscope, and doing a short reading for myself (a couple days before) I learned that 2016 is going to be a stellar year for me! Theresa definitely confirmed it! Before Christmas I could feel it in my bones- "2016 is going to be big!" Ideas have been pouring out of me. I'm inspired, and actually doing something with that inspiration in a tangible way! I'm working on myself, my biz, my relationship, my home- everything. Everything is just taking off like a shooting star!

This year I need to get over my fears (which I haven't pinned down yet- more shadow work needed!) Commit to my goals, my dreams, to partnership, to learning. But also, to let go. Let go of thought patterns that still kick me in the ass sometimes. Let go of what happened in the past. Let go of outcomes, and commit to the journey.


"Let go of outcomes, and commit to the journey".

That's my mantra for this year! That's it baby!

I've also started diving into Danielle LaPorte's "Desire Map", and loved her suggestion of looking up words we use to describe what we desire, and digging deep into the words themselves. So I did.

(Letting go, can also be:) Release: to free from confinement, bondage, obligation, pain, etc.; let go: liberation, freedom. to allow to be known, issued, done, or exhibited.

Commit: trust, do, to pledge or engage oneself, express intention/feeling.

YESSS!!! I seriously cannot believe what's happening right now!
Freedom came up a lot while writing in the Desire Map workbook. The words 'release' & 'commit' are kind of a conundrum though. How can you be releasing something, but being committed as well? How can you commit, when you're releasing or letting go? I've been talking a lot about shadow work. Figuring out the dark and light side of myself. Playing with the yin-yang energy. This year I can add committing and releasing to that list! Oh the dualities of life!

I did a reading for myself the other day and drew:
The Magician (#1)
Queen of Cups (reversed)
The Wheel of Fortune (#10)

My birthday is March 15 1990 (03+1+5+1+9+9+0= 28 /  2+8=10  /  1+0=1)

Okay universe just stop it! How crazy-cool is that?!

I know a lot of people say, "this is going to be my year!" (every new years eve). But seriously, I feel like this really is going to be my year (and I never say that)! Like I said before, big things are happening, and are going to happen. I'm awake. I'm listening. Show me what I need to know.

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