Monday, February 15, 2016

This Week in Tarot: 5 of Wands- Calm The F*** Down!

Everyone needs to chill the fuck out this week! We just celebrated Valentine's Day and now everyone's at each others throats? What-the-hell! (Chill Pill anyone?)

This week you could be butting heads with someone, or a group of people. When everyone's yelling and flailing their arms, it's pretty hard to hear anyone's opinion. The result is no ones getting anything accomplished- just wasting precious time and energy. Often times, fiery personalities want to be heard above others (or at least heard first!) and this can cause some serious tension.

There could be some (friendly) competition at work this week. Let's keep it friendly though, shall we? No need to turn it into loud arguments and god forbid- fist fighting! Lots of brainstorming happening this week. Brainstorming can be a wonderful, beautiful thing in a group, but it can also leave people fuming. Make sure everyone get's their two cents in without any rude interruptions.

On a lighter note, this card can also encourage you to be more playful, and literally "playfight". Get on the floor and wrestle with your kids. Or you and your significant other can enjoy some "wrestling" in the bedroom (if ya know what I mean!).

Feeling fiesty this week? Need someone to just listen? Relax and get some clarity from one of my tarot readings.

Need to escape for a while? Let's hang out. I'm on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Pinterest. Take your pick.

Learn to stay calm and focused by incorporating crystals into your life. Not sure how? I have a FREE easy-peasy guide to my top 5 essential crystals. Get on it!

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