Thursday, December 10, 2015

Inner Expansion- New Moon in Sagittarius

Tomorrow, Friday December 11th 2015 is the Sagittarius New Moon. This is a wonderful and interesting time! 
Sagittarius is an optimistic, adventurous, philosophical sign. It's ruled by the planet Jupiter which is about expansion, growth, and success. 
This is a time of wanting to expand our horizons. An interest in learning something new, or trying something new could be intriguing now. Day-to-Day chores or activities seem boring and mundane which could make us feel restless, and our expectations could be too high. So watch out for that. You may find yourself reaching out globally to people from foreign places with immense curiosity in their traditions, or even religion. 
Now is a good time to be open, and embrace progressive changes. New moons are about drawing inward and is ultimately a time to manifest. This is a great time to start a new project, take a course, or make goals for the future. If you have a big idea, or a big dream you want to see come to fruition- start writing down those affirmations! 
Although we may be thinking on a global scale, and be concerned with everything going on in the world, if we want to see changes, the best place to start is with yourself. Don't feel overwhelmed that you can't change the world. This Friday, meditate, and look at what you can change in your life to better the planet. 

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