How perfect is this weeks card draw? 3 of Cups- just in time for Christmas, and that full moon in Cancer! (3 of Cups is mercury in cancer to-boot! I'll be talking more about this upcoming full moon later this week!)
But, lets get started with this weeks draw! On this card, we have 3 figures toasting to each other, and dancing around happily. They look like they're having a great time! This card represents emotional abundance, and a spiritual harvest. Three represents harmony. What ever you have been working on; (especially relationships, or any "inner work") well- you'll be seeing the fruits of your labour! Now is a time to gather your best buds together, pour a glass of wine and celebrate your successes. With Christmas later this week, it's probably very likely that you'll be out-and-about spreading good cheer where ever you go. Chatting with family and friends could be easier this week, and perhaps conversations will be a little more meaningful.
This card can also indicate an engagement, baby/wedding shower, or an invitation to a party.
Enjoy yourself this week! Talk about what you have accomplished this year (big or small!) rather than what you never checked off your new years resolutions list earlier this year. Be encouraging to others too. Let them know you're taking notice of their successes, and make a toast to them. Giving someone a genuine compliment not only makes them feel good, but it will make you feel good too. Give thanks to those that support you, and show support to others in return.
Throw on some tunes, pour a glass of wine (or egg nog, what ever tickles your fancy) and let loose honey!
Affirmation for the week: "I am emotionally abundant!"
Are you feeling stuck in your love life? I have just the READING for that!
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