This one’s a biggie! Are you ready? Here we go! This week we have the Wheel of Fortune!
Whenever I hear “the wheel of fortune” I think of the game show automatically. I think of playing to win, and luck!
This is generally a very lucky card to receive, and also means good karma.
Jupiter rules this card, and Jupiter is about expansion, growth, opportunity, and success.
The angel in the top left represents the fixed air sign Aquarius, the phoenix represents the fixed water sign Scorpio, the bull represents the fixed earth sign Taurus, and the lion represents the fixed fire sign Leo.
They each hold a book representing wisdom. For me- having these four fixed signs on this card is about balance. Not just balance between work life, and family life, but more of a balance within ourselves- our spiritual selves in relation to the outer world.
The snake on the left, is the Egyptian god Typhon, the god of evil (notice he’s descending). The snake also represents change (think: snake shedding it’s skin). Anubis rising (ascending) on the right side is a symbol of transformation, and new beginnings, also, our shadow selves. The Sphinx on the top of the wheel represents life’s mysteries. The inner wheel contains the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulphur, water and salt – the building blocks of life. The eight spokes in the wheel represent the Universal energy. The blue background represents wisdom.
As you can tell, this card is packed FULL of symbolism and I could go on, and on about it, but let's get to the basics of this card.
How do you put it all together?
The Wheel of Fortune is a very lucky (“destiny”) card, but simply put- it’s a wheel. It’s constantly turning. Life is full of cycles, and life is always turning, moving, and changing. Sometimes we’re going up, and sometimes we go down. That’s life. It’s full of up’s and down’s right? This card can suggest that YOU need to get your butt moving- change something up, so you can get on the better side of the wheel. Perhaps the stars are in your favour, but YOU need to keep the wheel turning!
Through meditation and visualisation (manifesting), the Wheel of Fortune can assist and reinforce your intention to bring increased abundance, good fortune and prosperity into your life. This card allows your life to turn in a more positive direction, only if you are willing to grow and expand. The Wheel also represents karma, and reminds you that ‘what goes around comes around’. In the upright position, you are likely to be at the positive end but again, YOU have to keep that wheel turning. Don’t just sit idly by.
Affirmation for this week: “I let go of external events that I cannot control. I regulate my own feelings and actions in a positive way, and trust in the universe!”
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