Monday, December 28, 2015

The Week of the Ugly Cry

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I know I did! Maybe some of you are lucky enough to still be on holidays. Either way, it's Monday people, and that means it's time for our weekly draw. This week- because it's the last week of the year, I've drawn up two additional cards to spice things up! (Woo! Super spicy, I know!)

We have the 3 of Swords, The Heartless Love, and the Miracles Now card- "stillness is the key to success". It appears this week there should be a focus on love and relationships, because they don't seem to be going well eh? Hopefully that will change later this week for New Years Eve festivities! The last quarter moon on January 2nd has sun in Capricorn squaring the Moon in Libra. This will be a time of figuring out whats working in your relationships and what's not. Some things may be said in haste this week. Or maybe you've already planned a New Years Eve party without consulting your partner and some passive-aggressive arguments could arise.
If you're single, watch out for "players". With Venus moving into Sagittarius this week, the focus on super intimate (one-on-one) relationships moves to a more universal love. Your crush may be more interested in flirting with everyone, and moving from person to person for the fun of it. Having a heartfelt conversation away from the party might not be on the radar.

The 3 of swords is a reminder that any sorrow or loss experienced this week needs to be dealt with. In order to grow and move on, you need to do the ugly cry, (get it all out), grieve, and then move on. Pain can be a very strong motivator to push yourself forward. The Heart of Faerie Oracle card- The Heartless Love also has to do with heartbreak, and false expectations. Are you expecting too much of your partner, and ultimately causing your own heartache? Are you showing compassion towards someone, or trying to hurt them with your words in order to boost your own ego?

"Stillness is the key to success"
This week might not be the week, to kiss your crush at midnight when the New Years ball drops, or propose to your true love, or expect your partner to do X, Y, and Z and then give them the cold shoulder. This week is about being still. Waiting. Observing. Thinking before you speak. Contemplating your relationship. Don't make any impulsive decisions, or speak out of haste. Sometimes we have the expectation that New Years Eve should be perfect, and when you kiss your love at midnight rainbows will shoot out of your ass, and all will be well with the world. Only to be disappointed that bills still need to be paid, and work needs to be done.

I don't mean to sound like a debbie-downer, but really thinking about where your partner is coming from, what your expectations are, and why you have them, is important to think about. With 2016 just around the corner, now is the time to think about how you want to feel in your relationships, an how can you improve them in 2016?

Affirmation for the week: "Stillness is the key to success"

What should you focus on in 2016? Lets find out with my 12 Month Oracle Card Reading

Interested in my mini ebook?  "5 Essential Crystals for the Beginner" find out how you can get your FREE copy!

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Cancer Full Moon on Christmas

2015 has been an interesting year, and we (almost) end it with a full moon on Christmas day (exciting!). I'm pretty stoked because the full moon will be in Cancer, my sister sign to Pisces (I have a BFF that's a Cancer!)

Full moon's are about making things happen, or, new beginnings. Signing the contract at work, finally buying that special something online you've been wanting, getting your certification in the mail. With the full moon in Cancer, there is a strong focus on close family/friends, and the home. You may finally decide what colour to paint the living room, order that new couch, or make that long awaited phone call to your mother, that you should have made months ago! Feeling warm and fuzzy with those we love could bring some very meaningful, or sentimental conversation to the Christmas table. On the flip side, you may want more solitude, and just staying at home cozied-up on the couch with your favourite Christmas movie, and hot chocolate, may just be what the doctor ordered.

The sun is in Capricorn which could bring some confusion to those sensitive water signs. Capricorn is career, the public eye, structure, and rules, which doesn't blend well with Cancer. Finding a balance between career and home life will be challenging, but very very necessary this holiday season!
Uranus in Aries could make this a very potent week for success, and manifesting that success! If you have big dreams around home/family life, and/or work life, now is the time to create that vision board, write an affirmation in your journal, and take the steps toward fulfilling those desires!

Monday, December 21, 2015

This Week- 3 of Cups (Party Time!)

How perfect is this weeks card draw? 3 of Cups- just in time for Christmas, and that full moon in Cancer! (3 of Cups is mercury in cancer to-boot! I'll be talking more about this upcoming full moon later this week!)

But, lets get started with this weeks draw! On this card, we have 3 figures toasting to each other, and dancing around happily. They look like they're having a great time! This card represents emotional abundance, and a spiritual harvest. Three represents harmony. What ever you have been working on; (especially relationships, or any "inner work") well- you'll be seeing the fruits of your labour! Now is a time to gather your best buds together, pour a glass of wine and celebrate your successes. With Christmas later this week, it's probably very likely that you'll be out-and-about spreading good cheer where ever you go. Chatting with family and friends could be easier this week, and perhaps conversations will be a little more meaningful.
This card can also indicate an engagement, baby/wedding shower, or an invitation to a party.
Enjoy yourself this week! Talk about what you have accomplished this year (big or small!) rather than what you never checked off your new years resolutions list earlier this year. Be encouraging to others too. Let them know you're taking notice of their successes, and make a toast to them. Giving someone a genuine compliment not only makes them feel good, but it will make you feel good too. Give thanks to those that support you, and show support to others in return.
Throw on some tunes, pour a glass of wine (or egg nog, what ever tickles your fancy) and let loose honey!

Affirmation for the week: "I am emotionally abundant!"

Are you feeling stuck in your love life? I have just the READING for that!

Connect with me on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram

Friday, December 18, 2015

5 Essential Crystals for Beginners

The amount of information out there on which crystals are best, and what there uses are, is well...


My easy to follow guide gives you 5 great starter crystals in this lovely little ebook. Want to get in on it? Subscribe to my weekly newsletter (delicious tarot and astrological insights, among other things!) and receive your FREE copy of this ebook today!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

How a Mindful Christmas Will Change Your Life!

Here's my 4 Steps to Staying Mindful This Holiday Season!

1.  Don't over indulge, but don't miss out either. Have that glass of wine and chocolates dammit, just not 5 glasses of wine, and 2 boxes of chocolates all to yourself. Moderation people! It's the holiday season- don't go on that diet you meant to start during the summer. This is NOT the time of year to start diets, or any drastic changes to your diet. Remind yourself it's okay to eat that gingerbread cookie. Have some fun! Don't give yourself an anxiety attack trying to keep track of your sugar/calorie intake. Another great practice involving food is mindful eating. Consciously eat slower and savour every bite! Instead of inhaling your Christmas feast, chew slower and longer. You'll really taste the food, and you'll feel grateful for every bite!

2. With the moderation in food, there should also be moderation of people too. Some people dread going to visit family over Christmas. If you're one of these people, set some boundaries. If you know a family member is going to start talking about a subject matter that makes you cringe- don't entertain it! 
"Ya, but-"
NO. Seriously- change the subject matter, start a conversation with someone else, or excuse yourself to the bathroom or outside for some fresh air. Don't feel like you HAVE to partake in ugly conversations.
Set a strict time limit. Instead of spending 6 hours with your crazy family, cut it down to four or three. Tell them in advance too. I find that if I'm in a large crowd of people for more than a couple of hours my energy starts dropping drastically and I feel cranky. I'm emotionally drained! If you often feel like this- set a time limit! 

3. Remember to breathe! Standing in endless lines buying gifts, returning gifts, waiting at the airport- it's easy to get flustered and start saying things like,
"why isn't this line moving faster?!"
"The people who work here are terrible!"
"Nobody has any sense of personal space or manners!" etc. etc. 
Suddenly your agony is completely the fault of the random stranger standing in front of you, who's probably thinking the same things. 
While you have those moments of waiting- take a deep breath. Ask yourself where you feel tension. Let go of the tension. More deep breaths. It's going to be okay!

4. Remind yourself what Christmas is really about. Why are you celebrating it? Is it just about the gifts and chaos? Or does it mean something else for you? (Hopefully something more meaningful!)
I remember when I started focusing on what Christmas meant to me (family, good food, good wine, and relaxing) the stress and anxiety of trying to find the "perfect" gift for every single person in my life drifted away. I've personally got to a point now where Christmas isn't about me anymore. I much prefer to see the look of 'awe' on my kid's faces when Santa's eaten the cookies and left gifts. It's magic! That makes me happier than receiving anything. As I get older I realize I don't need much anyway. I have everything I need and then some. It's easy to get caught up in the consumerism of Christmas. If you find yourself in this state, remind yourself what's really important to you.

Monday, December 14, 2015

This Week- The Lovers

This weeks draw is: The Lovers

*cue the Barry White*
ooh yaa......

The Lovers is a lovely card to have this week! This card is ruled by the mutable air sign Gemini which is very much about duality. We have two naked, vulnerable figures being blessed by an angel. The woman looks to the angel while the man looks to the woman. In the background a tall mountain stands between them. 6 is a number of marriage, and awareness of spirit and matter emerging.
Ultimately this card is about love. But, love takes many forms. It can mean marriage, or blossoming partnership. But it can also be talking about the love we have for ourselves. Loving the feminine and masculine energy within ourselves, and also the light and dark aspects of ourselves.
It can also mean love (in general) is a big part of your life right now. However the mountain between them can mean a challenge. A challenge overcome can lead to enlightenment though.
Talking about duality again- the lovers is about making wise choices. Is your judgement being clouded by love? Are you being tempted? Love can be a beautiful, wonderful thing, but it can also make us do crazy things, and it's important to keep your wits about you.

This week, invite more love into your life, and self love too! Don't forget about yourself okay?

This weeks Affirmation: "I am love!"

Are you feeling stuck in your love life? I have just the READING for that!

Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Importance of Shadow Work

A week or so ago, I found myself in a place I hadn't been in a long time. Not a physical space, a mental space.

It was a dark one. One of judging, assuming, accusing, and negative emotions that I could physically feel. I was complaining about an acquaintance, and every time I thought about this person, anger bubbled inside of me. I hadn't felt anger physically like that towards someone in a long time. Why now? What was it about this person that got me SO riled up? Even while I was complaining about this person and putting them down, I said to myself in my mind:
'This isn't me. I don't do this. WHY am I doing this?!'

After venting- purging this negative emotional vomit- I decided to sit down and do some shadow work regarding this person, and myself. I don't compare myself to people, or ever feel like I need to be in competition with anyone, but with this person I did. I needed to understand why.

Shadow work never fails me. It works every time! What I was actually afraid of becoming, were the characteristics of this person. I try so hard to be positive all the time, that I was ultimately suppressing some of these characteristics and was resisting them so hard! It's great to be positive, but if we ignore the negative completely we end up bottling them up, only for them to overflow and make a mess later. Which was what happened to me.
It was a very enlightening experience, and as soon as I was finished with the writing exercise, I felt a weight had lifted! I understood myself better, by acknowledging my shadow side. I no longer felt so much hate and anger toward this person. In fact, I could have cared less. I understood where they might be coming from, and they only know what they know, right?
I said, "good luck to you, now off you go!"
Then off I went too.

Card is from: Miracles Now Affirmation Deck

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Inner Expansion- New Moon in Sagittarius

Tomorrow, Friday December 11th 2015 is the Sagittarius New Moon. This is a wonderful and interesting time! 
Sagittarius is an optimistic, adventurous, philosophical sign. It's ruled by the planet Jupiter which is about expansion, growth, and success. 
This is a time of wanting to expand our horizons. An interest in learning something new, or trying something new could be intriguing now. Day-to-Day chores or activities seem boring and mundane which could make us feel restless, and our expectations could be too high. So watch out for that. You may find yourself reaching out globally to people from foreign places with immense curiosity in their traditions, or even religion. 
Now is a good time to be open, and embrace progressive changes. New moons are about drawing inward and is ultimately a time to manifest. This is a great time to start a new project, take a course, or make goals for the future. If you have a big idea, or a big dream you want to see come to fruition- start writing down those affirmations! 
Although we may be thinking on a global scale, and be concerned with everything going on in the world, if we want to see changes, the best place to start is with yourself. Don't feel overwhelmed that you can't change the world. This Friday, meditate, and look at what you can change in your life to better the planet. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Emperor, & This Weeks Affirmation

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I had a busy weekend full of Christmas "shtuff"!
Saturday I helped my neighbour with her Christmas house tour, and handed out popcorn. (I also ate popcorn all day, and had some wine- score!)
Then Sunday, the Hubby and I dropped the kids off at Gran & Papa's house while we went Christmas shopping for them. A very busy-fun weekend indeed!

Onto the weekly draw! This week we have, The Emperor! (As a very sensitive pisces, this card scares me a little.)
The Emperor is ruled by the fiery sign Aries. Aries are the leaders of the zodiac. They take life by the horns, and know how to get shit done! This card is about power, structure, authority, and often times a father figure (but not the snuggly kind). This guy is a no-nonsense kind of ruler. Just look at his face- it reminds me of that line from the 1996 movie 'Matilda' ("I'm big, you're small! I'm right, you're wrong! And there's nothing you can do about it!") That's basically what I imagine the Emperor saying. It's his way, or the highway! You know, Aries can be kind of stubborn (I should know, I married one!) so when they have an idea, or figure out a way to do something- they do it, and there's no telling them otherwise. When they are on a mission- get out the way! Aries often have a hard exterior (note the armour) but underneath they have the potential be soft, and passionate.

With the emperor in mind this week, remember that although it's good to have that ambition to lead and get things done, but don't be a bully about it. You can still tell people what to do without sounding like a dictator.
Structure, and stability are important this week. Where in your life could you put some of that Aries energy? Think about this logically, and rationally. Don't charge forward without thinking things through.

If you find yourself confined, or restricted in some way and your rebellious side is freaking out (I'm lookin' at you Aquarius) gently remind yourself that sometimes rules are in place for good reason. Sometimes, we must accept our limitations.

Affirmation for the week: 
"I take control of my life to achieve my goals, and lead others responsibly."

Did you enjoy this journey with The Emperor? Find lots more goodies on my Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!
Feeling stuck in a particular situation? How about an empowering, insightful Tarot Reading from me? Come on over, I'd love to help! :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Benefits of Tarot

When people approach me from a place of fear- fear about what the future might hold, I always explain how I use tarot. There will be no predictions, telling of futures, or gazing into crystal balls.
Sorry, but not sorry.

There are lots of benefits to tarot, and I think that’s something often overlooked- The benefits! What are they? Well, here’s a few to get your tarot-taste-buds tingling!

  1. Gaining Clarity, & Truth: Whatever situation/issue/problem is going on right now, tarot will force you to look at it straight in the eyes! Uncomfortable? Good! The more you dive in, the more you’ll see. Tarot is a fabulous way to look at your life from a bird's-eye-view. Sometimes JUST doing that adds clarity, or a new perspective. Finding the truth in your situation, or the real truth about you, and your actions, is just an added bonus! The more clarity you gain, the more likely you are to leave feeling empowered, and ready to take life by the horns!
  2. Make Better Decisions: People often want to ask me, “what should I do?!” And inside I think, ‘yes. What should YOU do?’ When someone is feeling totally lost for options, tarot often gives one (if not more) possibilities, that the querent didn’t think of before. Again, this is empowering! You have the answers within you, I just help you open the treasure chest to see the wonders and possibilities you already possess! Once the querent has a couple options, it makes decision making much faster, and easier. It’s like standing in the shampoo/soap isle at the grocery store. SO MANY freakin’ options!! All of them may look great (or maybe none). Tarot says, “here’s 1-3 options. Which one suits you best? Let’s try that one first!”
  3. Finding Peace: Sometimes people get in the way of themselves. They put up a wall, and pin their worries, doubts, fears, anxieties, and burdens on it in a disorganized way. Ultimately, their thoughts are creating a block, and there is no way out. Tarot breaks down that wall, and Shows you your situation. There is something very peaceful in hearing your issue(s) said back to you by an unbiased person. It validates what you are already feeling, and know. It allows the quarant to say, “yes. I do feel depressed. I do feel sad”, and by having the emotion on the outside of themselves for once, they get a moment of peace. A moment of clarity to see the problem, and move past it.
  4. Improve Your Life: I use tarot as my own personal life coach, and approach other people’s readings the same way. It can show you key areas of your life to work on, or be more aware of. Your relationships may improve due to having more awareness of how you interact, or treat other people. If something unpleasant comes up, you have the power to change it. The future is not written in stone! Tarot gives you the opportunity to be more aware, prepare, and take control of your life again!

    If this sounds like something you need, come on over to my Etsy page for a reading!
    Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest. I'd LOVE to hear from you!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

This Week: Wheel of Fortune

This one’s a biggie! Are you ready? Here we go! This week we have the Wheel of Fortune!

Whenever I hear “the wheel of fortune” I think of the game show automatically. I think of playing to win, and luck!
This is generally a very lucky card to receive, and also means good karma.
Jupiter rules this card, and Jupiter is about expansion, growth, opportunity, and success.
The angel in the top left represents the fixed air sign Aquarius, the phoenix represents the fixed water sign Scorpio, the bull represents the fixed earth sign Taurus, and the lion represents the fixed fire sign Leo.
They each hold a book representing wisdom. For me- having these four fixed signs on this card is about balance. Not just balance between work life, and family life, but more of a balance within ourselves- our spiritual selves in relation to the outer world.

The snake on the left, is the Egyptian god Typhon, the god of evil (notice he’s descending). The snake also represents change (think: snake shedding it’s skin). Anubis rising (ascending) on the right side is a symbol of transformation, and new beginnings, also, our shadow selves. The Sphinx on the top of the wheel represents life’s mysteries. The inner wheel contains the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulphur, water and salt – the building blocks of life. The eight spokes in the wheel represent the Universal energy. The blue background represents wisdom.

As you can tell, this card is packed FULL of symbolism and I could go on, and on about it, but let's get to the basics of this card.
How do you put it all together?

The Wheel of Fortune is a very lucky (“destiny”) card, but simply put- it’s a wheel. It’s constantly turning. Life is full of cycles, and life is always turning, moving, and changing. Sometimes we’re going up, and sometimes we go down. That’s life. It’s full of up’s and down’s right? This card can suggest that YOU need to get your butt moving- change something up, so you can get on the better side of the wheel. Perhaps the stars are in your favour, but YOU need to keep the wheel turning!
Through meditation and visualisation (manifesting), the Wheel of Fortune can assist and reinforce your intention to bring increased abundance, good fortune and prosperity into your life. This card allows your life to turn in a more positive direction, only if you are willing to grow and expand. The Wheel also represents karma, and reminds you that ‘what goes around comes around’. In the upright position, you are likely to be at the positive end but again, YOU have to keep that wheel turning. Don’t just sit idly by.

Affirmation for this week: “I let go of external events that I cannot control. I regulate my own feelings and actions in a positive way, and trust in the universe!”

Interested in an empowering tarot reading from me? See what your options are HERE.
Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!  

Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekly Draw- 6 of Pentacles

Weekly Draw- 6 of Pentacles


To sum up this card in 3 words, it represents: giving, receiving, and balance.
A wealthy man hands out coins to the less fortunate, while holding scales in the other hand.
If you have the resources, or “know-how” to share with others, then do it! Know someone that could help you out? Be open to receive, and be thankful for that help.
It’s important to find balance when it comes to money. This week may be a good time to reassess that budget (or make one if you haven't already!). Learn where you can be generous with your finances, and where money’s tight.
If you find yourself well balanced already (when it comes to money and your resources), look into different ways you can help someone out. Charity is a good place to start, but perhaps a family member is struggling, or someone at the coffee shop is $2.00 short- throw a little “pay-it-forward” attitude to someone in need!
When it comes to relationships- who is the giver, and who is the receiver? Is there balance in that department? One person can’t go to work, clean the house, AND cook the meals, while the other lays on the couch all day. Look at how much both of you are doing and if it’s not 50/50, create a chore chart, or schedule when chores need to get done and who is going to complete it.
Especially if you have kids- get them, AND your partner involved. Share the workload, get organized, and when the work is done, show each other some gratitude.

As a side note: With fiery Mars in Libra (until January 3rd 2016) try to avoid fighting about money/budgeting with your partner, or lashing out at a family member for not doing chores. Libra is the sign of balance. SO, especially this week, keep balance in mind when speaking!

Affirmation for the week: “Financial abundance comes to me easily, lovingly, and generously, as I easily, lovingly, and generously offer my unique gifts!”

Interested in a reading from me? Check out my variety of different spreads/readings!
Find me on Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remembrance Day - New Moon in Scorpio

Today is Remembrance Day.

Today I honor my Grandfather, and all those alongside him that fought in world war 2. He survived the war, but past away when I was very young. I always feel especially close to him around this time.
He was a fantastic man!

Interestingly, today is also a new moon in Scorpio, which is a VERY powerful time! New moons are a time to rest, and reflect- to go inward. Scorpio is about transformation, death, rebirth, and our subconscious. So basically, this is a time of inner transformation, and a very powerful (maybe even dark) change! Like a snake shedding it's skin, or a phoenix rising out of the ashes. Soldiers (and innocent people too) died for change. Now we must change too. We all have an inner strength- our intuition! This is a time of following that!

Today we remember the past. World war one, and two, and also all the "great" wars of our past. Not only that, but the continuing wars that are happening right now. If the world is to change into a better place, we must start with ourselves. By transforming yourself, unconsciously you help transform those around you. It's like a ripple effect. It's f***ing hard to acknowledge our dark sides, and admit we even have dark sides, but we all do. We must do the inner work, before we do the outer work.

I honor those that fought in the war, and risked their lives. I honor them, and today I choose peace.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Weekly Draw- The Queen of Cups

This week's, weekly draw is: The Queen of Cups


This Queen represents the water signs of the zodiac: Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. I must admit I’m kind of biased when it comes to this card, because I’m a Pisces (Pisces rising, & Scorpio moon!!). So, the queen of cups is my home girl!

I always get excited when I see this card, because I know whatever it is I’m asking, I feel like I’m getting the thumbs up from the universe.
She reminds me to follow my intuition- trust it! Look at my feelings and acknowledge them. Don’t be afraid to really “feel”, and get up-close-and-personal with people (and myself!). It’s important to nurture our feelings, and our inner most desires. It’s important to nurture others too, and sometimes being the shoulder to cry on, is better than telling them what to do.

On the downside- because this queen thinks and feels solely with her heart (and not overly with her head), her proper judgement can be clouded. Like water signs she can be a little wishy-washy, moody, and overly sensitive. She can also be a bit of a drama queen
(“HEY, Pisces aren’t drama queens! I’M NOT a drama queen!”............”Ok, maybe sometimes”.......)

For this queen, it’s always a fine balance of using her emotional side to benefit herself, and others, but also not letting her emotions completely run her life, and cloud her judgement. She sometimes can feel very misunderstood (oh boo-hoo Scorpio’s!).
She’s also not a queen you would find out on the battlefield. She’s content staying home reading and writing poetry, and playing the harp (I’m lookin’ at you Cancer’s!)

Either way, it’s hard not to love this gentle soul!

Affirmation: “I nurture others, as well as MYSELF because my feelings matter too!”

Interested in a reading from me? Check THIS out!
You can also find me on Facebook & Pinterest now!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Weekly Draw - 4 of Wands

This week we have: 4 of Wands!


Look at these two love birds! I feel like I've had a tour of their humble abode (a freaking castle!), drank fine wine, and ate expensive cheese. They held hands (very cute!), and were very gracious hosts. Now after picking some flowers, they wave at me, sending me off saying, "come by and visit anytime! Our home is your home too!"
They feel like that overly generous couple with everything.
Or the couple that won the lottery and just renovated their house and now want to share their new "stuff" with you. (fine by me!)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that little story!
The number four represents completion. With wands, that could be a creative project, or work related. The foundation is being built, and now goals are becoming tangible- something solid. I think this card is also saying, whatever has been completed- enjoy your success! Sometimes we forget to enjoy the small victories in life too.

Finally got that dreaded laundry folded after chasing the kids around the house like a crazy woman? Break open that bottle of wine, and have a glass! You deserve it! (Okay, that was really about me, I must confess!)

Affirmation: “I take note of everything I have accomplished in my life (this year, this month, this week, today, etc.!) big and small, and I celebrate it!”

Monday, October 26, 2015

Weekly Draw - *The Star*

This week we have, The Star. I’ve included both the Rider Waite, and Thoth versions because I love them both!


When I see this card, I always think of my sister. She’s an Aquarius, and that’s the sign that rules this card. My sister has always had lots of friends, very friendly, and likeable. I guess you could say she’s a “star”. She’ll deny it. But it’s true.

The woman in this card is nude, which to me represents vulnerability, but also being open. She’s not ashamed of her nudity; she’s just doin’ her thang! She’s connected with the world around her, in both a practical, and slightly magical way. One foot is on land, the other on top of the water. That’s a bit peculiar isn’t it? Water is our emotions, our subconscious, and in this case- it’s supporting her. She’s also pouring water into this magical pond which tells me, She nurtures her emotional side. There’s a balance of give and take.

The Stars around her signify love, hope, and peace. I get really into the symbols here so bear with me!.....
We have 7, white stars. (truth, peace, the 7 chakras.)
One yellow star (confidence, intellect, light, happiness)
For me this is a very healing card, but more so to do with the collective unconscious. Or, world peace. Aquarius is revolutionary, innovative, and future-oriented. They bring new ideas to the table. They are the ones that question societal structures, and rules.

This card brings great inspiration, hope, and regeneration. It’s a wonderful energy to embody, and can simply mean, “shine like the wonderful star you are!”

Affirmation: “I open my heart, and have faith and trust in the future. I release all fears and doubts!”

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Affirmation Time!

my affirmation for the day. I love this one! What will your affirmation be?...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Daily Draw! (Queen of Pentacles)

Today’s Daily Draw is the Queen of Pentacles

I LOVE this card!! My personal card happens to be the Queen of Cups, but I also feel a strong connection to the queen of pents!


She just seems like the most loving, down to earth gal! Yes, she is in charge and has a kingdom to rule, but she does so in a very generous way. However generous she may be though, she is not a doormat! She has no time for drama either!
She’s very realistic and practical, but conveys that energy with a hint of compassion and feminism.

You could say, that everything she touches turns to gold, or rather, turns into lush vegetation. A gorgeous green landscape surrounds her. She reminds me of mother nature. She is one with her environment. I see the flowers above her as roses. They’re beautiful, and can represent love, and passion, but roses also have thorns. So, however lovely and compassionate the queen may be, She will prick you if necessary. She has zero tolerance for BS!

Affirmation: I take time to nurture myself. Self care is important to me!

PS.- This is my last "Daily Draw" but I will be doing a Weekly Draw!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The New Generation

When you hear someone say, "I'm a tarot reader", what do you automatically think of?
A room filled with tapresteries, candles, maybe a tent, a woman in a long skirt wearing bangles and lots of rings, and dark eye liner.
You're intrigued, but fearful of what you may hear.
"oh dear, you're doomed! Death is near!"
"Yes, you will find your soul mate this week!"
"You have a curse on you, but I can remove it for an extra fee!"

(*long sigh*)

Let me tell you something, there's a new generation of tarot readers, and they are NOTHING like the above mentioned.
I've been thinking a lot about tarot, my business as a reader, what other people think about tarot, and how I want to use tarot.

I don't claim to be a psychic fortune teller. I consider myself to be quite intuitive, an empath, and someone that genuinely likes to help people!
I always thought life coaching and tarot reading were two very separate entities, but they are almost one and the same. If your reading for yourself, aren't the cards your own personal life coach? (That's how I see it anyway).
I believe a lot of younger tarot readers are looking at it as a tool (a life coaching tool) to look at what's going on in your life, and finding different strategies to live a more positive life.

Tarot is a tool for confident decision-making, clear communication and timely, decisive action. With each Tarot reading, we can explore the pros + cons of different choices that you might make — creating the best possible plan for the future you want.
Ultimately, it’s all about clarity — shining a light through the mental fog so that you can make excellent choices for your relationships, your family, your finances, your business and your quality of life.”
I hope as a reader, my clients feel empowered, & positive when they leave one of my readings! If you feel less intimidated by Tarot now, I hope you’ll consider having a reading with me!


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tarot Night!

What better way to start the Halloween festivities than with a fun Tarot reading! I hope you can join me!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Daily Draw!

This is the second time this week The Hanged Man has popped up. I think he’s trying to tell me something…

So let’s dive in
The name of this card can be off-putting for some people. But the message he holds can be very powerful.
Yes, he’s hanging upside down (not very comfortable), and basically can’t go anywhere.
He’s stuck.
We look at our world right side up, or from just one perspective usually. He’s suddenly forced to look at the world from a completely new point of view. Being tied up and forced into this new position, he might as well surrender, and try to learn something while he’s there.
It’s a time to wait, re-evaluate, and create a completely new path. The light around his head symbolizes divine inspiration, and power.
Sacrificing our old lives, breathes life into a new way of living-  Opening up channels that might have been blocked before.

For me personally, the fact that I keep seeing this card, it’s telling me i need to forget about old ways of doing things- get a fresh perspective, and surrender to new ideas. By trying something completely new and different, perhaps i will be inspired, and new opportunities will come my way!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Daily Draw!

My first blog post was about my journey in quitting social media, and as a result, I’ve been honing my tarot reading skills with my new found freedom!

Now that I have the inspiration to write, I’m going to start a “Daily Draw”. I’ll pick one card from my tarot deck and write a little post about it.

I randomly drew one card, and today we have...


9 of Wands

My first reaction is, “oh, great!” (That was sarcasm by the way!)

I feel like the man pictured on this card is actually saying just that! He looks tired, and worn out. He’s got some battle scars, and needs one of the wands to support himself.
He doesn’t look very impressed.
However, he looks like a fighter. Like if he had to, he’d throw one last punch! He’s also still standing. Even though he’s leaning on one of the wands, he could technically be sitting or lying down instead, but he’s not. He still stands his ground. He ultimately represents strength amidst struggle. (The will to go on).
Just when that last straw has been drawn, the last hurdle is in sight, One more stone has been thrown, there is always one last drop of strength to pull ourselves up and fight.
This card tells us, that whatever challenge your facing- if it feels like you can’t take anymore- dig deep within yourself, and find that inner fighter. Our greatest strengths always come out at the most difficult times.
You have the strength. You can do it!